Abertura Award 2018

ESOP presented the 2018 Abertura Award on September 27, an annual award that aims to distinguish the contributions to the dynamization of Open Source software and Open Technologies in Portugal.
This year's winner, the IGFEJ - Institute of Financial Management and Justice Equipment, was announced by ESOP Vice-President Paulo Ribeiro at the 16th edition of Open Source Lisbon held in Cidade do Futebol complex (Oeiras, Lisbon).
The Award was delivery to the President of the IGFEJ Board of Directors, Dr. Joaquim Carlos Rodrigues by Dr. Cândido Mariz, representing the Municipality of Barcelos, the distinguished entity from last year.
According to the President of the Institute:
"IGFEJ thank to ESOP for this award, sharing it with our partner CAIXA MÁGICA and dedicating it to the employees of our organizations who have done everything to raise the level of digital transformation and on-line services in the area of Justice."
In addition to IGFEJ, were appointed by ESOP Associates the Public Prosecutor's Office and the UniLEO (Unit for the Implementation of the Budgetary Framework Law), part Ministry of Finance.
Developed by Caixa Mágica Software, an ESOP assossiate, the Electronic Judicial Certificate project (CJE) began in 2017 and aimed to create a portal where users can request and issue certificates regarding online declarations about their lawsuits; previously, in order to obtain this certificate it was necessary for the ordinary citizen to go to court, to make a formal request in writing and to wait for it to be followed up.
With this project, which arises from the need to comply with one of several measures required by SIMPLEX + government program, specifically measure # 73, the request for the most common and predefined certificates can be carried out immediately, facilitating citizens' lives, one of the objectives of Program SIMPLEX +
The project was implemented using Java, Apache, Tomcat and Web Services REST technologies.