ESOP organize 'Open Source and Digital Transformation' workshop with AMA

On October 22, the first session of the 'Open Source & Digital Transformation' Workshop, organized in partnership between AMA (Administrative Modernization Agency), TicApp and ESOP, took place at the National Civil Engineering Laboratory in Lisbon.
The Welcome Session was led by the Digital Competencies Centre (TicAPP) Director, Sofia Mota, and the ESOP President, Eduardo Taborda. The morning continued with presentations in the area of UX / UI, including the presentation of best practices and accessibility standards which are obliged to the Public Administration platforms and encouraged to the business sector. Later were presented several Case Studies in Public Administration. In the afternoon there was hands-on workshops, where the participants could interact directly with the platforms and solutions presented.
It was an event attended by over one hundred participants, including many technicians and managers of the Portuguese Public Administration and the associated companies of ESOP.
The first ESOP associate to make his presentation was Syone. Led by Pedro Santana and Tiago Fonseca, addressed the 'Importance of User Centered Design in Digital Transformation Contexts', the methodology that focuses on user characteristics to maximize application intuitiveness and user experience.
After the coffee break, the ThinkOpen Solutions associate present the 'PAES: Solidary Economy Acquisition Platform, a Case Study for implementation in the Union of Portuguese Mercies'. Led by Joana Mateus of ThinkOpen Solutions and Filipa Cruz of the Union of Portuguese Mercies, they explained how the platform worked and the importance of Odoo (an Open Source Software) in that process.
Another platform presented was the Portal de Recrutamento Militar (Military Recruitment Portal), developed by JAVALI. This presentation was led by Daniel Vultos of DGRDN, who started by explaining how they were inspired and then how important was the role of JAVALI and Drupal in reaching the end result.
The last morning presentation was about the Plataformas de Interoperabilidade na Justiça’ (Interoperability Platforms in Justice), where Carlos Coutinho of ESOP associate Caixa Mágica Software presented several implementation Case Studies, two of them Prémio Abertura Award winners, in 2018 and 2019: the platforms for the Ministry of Justice: in the contexts of modernization of the Criminal Record, the Consultation of Judicial Processes and the creation of Judicial Certificates.

In the afternoon there were 3 parallel sessions where each one could try out the concepts presented in the morning. One of the workshops was conducted by AMA, which explained ‘how to make a site user friendly and accessible '.
Another was conducted by JAVALI who presented the Drupal solution in a more practical way, clarifying doubts about how it works, how to create, manage and present web content.
The third parallel session was subdivided into two parts. The first part was conducted by Syone, where Pedro Santana and Inês Silva gave the opportunity to develop a portal with the User Centered Design methodology. In the second part Pedro Garcia from ThinkOpen Solutions explained the implementation of a G2G portal using Odoo software.
The event ended at 5 pm, after a lot of sharing, networking and good conversations. Stay tuned for upcoming Workshops and participate.