
NaturalGIS is a Portuguese company, active worldwide, which operates in the Geographic Information Systems (GIS) field. We are specialists in QGIS (Desktop, Server, Mobile and Web) to which we are directly connected, as part of the team that develops it and as project funders. We are also experts in the Enterprise-class PostgreSQL RDBMS and its extension PostGIS for spatial data.
We offer a wide range of services, including:
Support in the installation, configuration and use of Open Source GIS software, support in the implementation of projects, methodologies, techniques and data models (e.g. PMDFCI, standards and technical specifications for topographic cartography of the Portuguese General Directorate of the Territory, etc.), support in performing tasks and using specific tools (geostatistics, data analysis, processing drone surveys, etc.), help in creating and optimizing GIS workflows, developing new features and extensions for QGIS, implementing GIS servers (with databases, WebSIG platforms, geo-catalogs, etc.) cloud or physical, GIS training (we are the only Portuguese company that can provide training officially certified by the QGIS project), migration to open source based spatial data infrastructures, data migration to open formats and models, surveys (infrastructures, trees, etc.) with high precision GPS equipment.
Headquarter Address: Rua do Sol Nascente, 10,7005-443 Évora
Office Address:
NERE, Núcleo Empresarial da Região de Évora.
Parque Industrial e Tecnológico de Évora.
Rua Circular Norte.
7005-841 Évora, Portugal
Phone: +351 939 320 104