2018 'Pŕemio Abertura' Award Nominees

2018 'Pŕemio Abertura' Award Nominees

2018- 11- 26

In 2018, ESOP celebrates eleven years of activity and will present the 2018 'Prémio Abertura' Award designed to distinguish entities that contribute to the promotion of Open Source software and Open Technologies in Portugal.

The award ceremony will take place tomorrow at the Open Source Lisbon 2018.

The Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Finance - UniLEO and the Institute of Financial Management and Justice Equipment are the three entities that ESOP members have chosen to distinguish for finalists from the 'Prémio Abertura' Award.

In this context, the projects of each of these Entities within the scope of this Prize are summarized below:

IGFEJ - Institute of Financial Management and Equipment of Justice
IGFEJ logo

The IGFEJ, IP is a Portuguese public institute, integrated in the indirect administration of the State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and own assets, which succeeded in the attributions to the extinct Institute of Financial Management and Infrastructure of Justice, IP and Institute of Information Technologies of Justice, IP.

CJE (Electronic Judicial Certificate) - The Electronic Judicial Certificate project is part of the projects of the Ministry of Justice and began in 2017. Its purpose is to create a portal where users can issue certificates regarding online statements about your lawsuits. Earlier, in order to obtain this certificate it was necessary for the ordinary citizen to go to court, to make a formal request in writing and to wait for it to be followed up.

With this project, which arises from the need to comply with one of several measures required by the SIMPLEX + government program, the request for the most common and predefined certificates can be carried out immediately, thus facilitating the lives of citizens.

This project was carried out using the technologies Java, Apache, Tomcat e Web Services REST.

Medida#73 – “Certidão Judicial Eletrónica” part of Simplex+2016 program.

Public Prosecutor's Office
MinisterioPub Logo

The Public Prosecutor's Office is a constitutional body with jurisdiction to prosecute, participate in the execution of the criminal policy defined by the organs of sovereignty, represent the State and defend the democratic legality and interests that the law determines.

The Public Prosecutor's Office, for the various internal and external applications, has been using and migrating to Open Source technologies. In addition to the use of GNU / Linux systems, MySQL, Apache, among others, uses Drupal, PHP and several other technologies based on Open Source.

  • Sites and microsites in Drupal - Public Prosecutors, Counties, DIAPs and DCIAP;
  • Portal aggregator of the information of the various Attorneys General of the Republic of the Community of Portuguese Speaking Countries;
  • Online markup system to obtain Handouts;
  • Integration of several internal systems to obtain public information. Inclusion and migration of several information bases (sqlserver, oracle), highlighting the opinions of the Public Prosecution Service.
UniLeo - Implementation Unit of Budgetary Framework Law
Unileo Logo

UniLEO's mission is to ensure the implementation of Budgetary Framework Law (LEO) in order to provide the State, its services and bodies with greater effectiveness of public policies in terms of results, with responsibility for the dissemination of the Accounting Standardization System for Public Administrations (SNC-AP) and the reform of accounting and public accounts in general.

According to the defined objectives - monitoring of the entities subject to the SNC-AP, in the process of transition to the new LEO - an information system was developed to support the said monitoring process, which includes the generation of reports for UniLEO and other entities.

In this sense, two modules of the information system were created: "Entity Management" - collects information that characterizes each of the entities - and "SNC-AP Questionnaire" - monitors the maturity of the transition process to the SNC- AP through a monthly inquiry to the entities, in which the user is allowed, after a first completion, to come back later to edit, add or delete the information entered or pre-existing, finalizing, afterwards the operation.

In order to ensure high levels of accessibility and usability, responsive graphics have been adopted, allowing them to be adapted to mobile devices.

This year's winner will be announced at the Opening Ceremony, scheduled for 17:50.

More information: ESOP 2018 Prémio Abertura Award