Linux market share grows 210 percent in 5 months
Linux market share grows 210 percent in 5 months

According to NETMARKETSHARE Linux reached 3.6% of the market share in June, growing 210% since January (when it represented only 1.5%). MacOS maintained its market share (9.7% in January and 9.2% in June) but in contrast the Windows operating system lost market share (88.1% in January to 86.7% in June 2020).
With the imposition of quarantine, the demand for computers increased dramatically. In this sense, older computers were also reused, but in this cases the problem was the the less processing capacity. The Linux-based system is usually lighter and on older machines it can make the difference. Many point this as one of the reasons for the growth in the use of Linux, but there are other reasons that may have led to the increased use of this Open Source operating system, such as cost, more recognition, etc.
Open Source solutions have conquered more market. Users are recognizing the advantages of this type of software, as they can also check other news:
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Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst