
24 Outubro

BackstageCon North America

BackstageCon is a one-day conference focused on all things Backstage: an open platform for building developer portals. At BackstageCon, we’ll provide a vendor-neutral space for collaboration and learning centered on improving developer experience and effectiveness through open source technologies.


24 Outubro a 27 Outubro

EclipseCon 2022

EclipseCon is the leading conference for developers, architects, and open source business leaders to learn about Eclipse technologies, share best practices, and more. EclipseCon is our biggest event of the year and connects the Eclipse ecosystem and the industry’s leading minds to explore common challenges and innovate together on open source runtimes, tools, and frameworks for cloud and edge applications, IoT, artificial intelligence, connected vehicles and transportation, digital ledger technologies, and much more. https://www.eclipsecon.org/2022

24 Outubro

KnativeCon North America

KnativeCon is the Knative community’s second conference on the Knative serverless project. Knative provides developer-friendly primitives for building serverless applications on Kubernetes. Topics include:

  • Installing and operating Knative
  • Developer experiences using and designing for Knative
  • Serverless and Event-Driven architecture patterns


24 Outubro a 28 Outubro

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Detroit, Michigan from October 24 – 28, 2022. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Buildpacks, Cilium, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Crossplane, dapr, Dragonfly, Emissary Ingress, Falco, Flagger, Flux, gRPC, KEDA, KubeEdge, Litmus, Longhorn, NATS, Notary, OpenTelemetry, Operator Framework, SPIFFE, SPIRE, and Thanos as the community gathers for five days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

Mais informações aqui

24 Outubro a 25 Outubro

Cloud Native SecurityCon North America

Cloud Native SecurityCon is designed to foster collaboration, discussion and knowledge sharing of cloud native security projects and how to best use these to address security challenges and opportunities. The goal is not just to propose solutions that incrementally improve what has come before, but to give room to breakthrough technology and advances in modern security approaches. Topics of sessions and lightning talks presented by expert practitioners include architecture and policy, secure software development, supply chain security, identity and access, forensics, and more.

In addition to engaging sessions, a hosted Capture The Flag (CTF) learning experience will run in parallel to the event for attendees to learn first hand practical attack and defense techniques.


23 Outubro

Money 20/20 USA

Join us at Money20/20, the leading global stage where stories unfold and the future is shaped. It’s where the Payments, Banking, Fintech and Financial Services community unites to create new and disruptive ways to move, manage, spend and borrow money.


23 Outubro a 24 Outubro

Spinnaker Summit

The sixth annual Spinnaker Summit will be co-located with KubeCon in Detroit on October 23-24, 2022. The Summit will bring together a global community of collaborators, focused on the future of Spinnaker, the open-source continuous delivery platform. The event will include hands-on workshops, keynotes, happy hours, and more. Targeted toward developers, architects, operators, and technical leaders, this event will be a great place to share knowledge and build connections.


20 Outubro

EU Datathon 2022

his year´s edition of the EU Datathon, the annual EU open data competition organised by the Publications Office of the European Union, promises to be particularly worthwhile. With 159 entries from 38 countries, the highest number so far in the EU Datathon’s history, we can expect an exciting final competition.

Join us for the finals! They will take place on 20 October 2022. Book your place to follow online, join in the discussions, and help choose the winner of the Public Choice Award. Only EU Datathon teams and speakers will be participating physically in Brussels.   


Videos do evento disponiveis em https://www.youtube.com/c/PublicationsOffice

13 Outubro a 14 Outubro


EuroRust is a 2 day conference for the European Rust community. We cover all things Rust: from Rust patterns and idioms to systems programming and CLI tooling, servers WASM, and embedded systems. 


12 Outubro

Open Source Lisbon '22

In this 20th edition, we are finally back to the face-to-face event after two years of virtual experiences, and we've set up the Main Auditorium in Centro Cultural de Belém Lisbon to welcome you.

Great keynote speakers and big players on the market to share their vision about open source strategies, skills, software and business development, artificial intelligence, data technologies, open source transparency and mindset, community, diversity & inclusion, and many more.

The attendees will be able to join Main Stage Sessions, Tech Sessions, Exhibitors Area, and Lounge Area to hear about our partner's new solutions and for networking.
