'Prémio Abertura' Award
The Prémio Abertura Award aims to distinguish entities that stood out for the use and adoption of Open Source technologies or that contributed to their dissemination and promotion. It has been delivered to various entities. In the firsts editions of the Prémio Abertura Award delivery took place at the Linux Event, currently the Prémio Abertura Award is delivered at Open Source Lisbon.
O vencedor do Prémio Abertura 2022 foi anunciado no evento ‘Open Source: Tecnologia que FAZ e DESCOMPLICA’, que decorreu no Altice Fórum Braga, no dia 20 de Outubro de 2022. Um evento organizado pela ESOP, em colaboração com a AEMinho – Associação Empresarial do Minho e com o apoio das empresas Keep Solutions e Eurotux, associados da ESOP.
VENCEDOR: Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge
O vencedor do Prémio Abertura 2022 foi o Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), com o projeto ‘Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade’.
Um projeto que envolveu a aquisição de serviços especializados para implementação de solução informática em software livre para gestão de processos de qualidade no INSA.
Face à missão e atribuições do INSA, à sua estratégia geral de desenvolvimento e à situação laboratorial e interna, tornou-se urgente modernizar o Instituto no que toca a mecanismos/ferramentas de gestão. Foi, assim objetivo deste projeto, implementar um sistema de informação de apoio à Área de Gestão de Qualidade do INSA, que permita dar continuidade aos objetivos da área, diminuindo o esforço humano para a efetiva gestão dos ensaios acreditados e da certificação, diminuindo o tempo de execução das tarefas e custo de contexto.
A empresa responsável pela implementação do projeto foi a Thinkopen Solutions.
- Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, com o projeto ‘Repositório Clínico Digital do Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João’.
O Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João foi nomeado pelo projeto ‘Repositório Clínico Digital’.
Os processos clínicos armazenados no arquivo do Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João (CHUSJ) sempre foram considerados um ativo importante da instituição, que orgulhosamente os preserva e mantém acessíveis desde a sua fundação em 1959.
O Repositório Clínico Digital (RCD) é um projeto inovador em Portugal, que tem como principal objetivo assegurar o acesso à informação clínica numa perspetiva integrada do Processo Clínico Eletrónico do doente. O CHUSJ possui, atualmente, mais de 2 milhões de processos clínicos de utentes, desde a sua informatização em 1992, e um volume de documentação em papel de 15 quilómetros lineares.
Como explicou a Senhora Diretora do Centro de Gestão de Informação e Diretora de Sistemas de Informação e Comunicação no Centro Hospitalar Universitário de São João, Maria João Campos, na cerimónia de Entrega do troféu,
"Foi opção de projeto do RCD promover o uso de tecnologia aberta para a criação do repositório fundamentalmente pela sustentabilidade do projeto e pela sua longevidade em matéria de preservação digital, assunto da maior relevância na transformação digital na Saúde. A promoção da adoção e utilização de tecnologias abertas facilita, ainda, na perspetiva do CHUSJ, a replicação que se pretende para os resultados obtidos com o projeto, permitindo que outras entidades de Saúde possam tirar partido do repositório clínico digital implementado. Este desenvolvimento possibilitou ainda o incentivo de novos parceiros tecnológicos a contribuir para o seu desenvolvimento, num espírito aberto e de transparência que muito contribui para o futuro nesta área de preservação digital na Saúde."
Para isso, a Keep Solutions, parceira no desenvolvimento deste projeto, utilizou soluções Open Source que deram suporte a essas necessidades.
- Direção Geral do Livro dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas, com o projeto ‘Plataforma Consulta Real em Ambiente Virtual’.
A Direção Geral do Livro dos Arquivos e das Bibliotecas (DGLAB) foi nomeada pelo projeto ‘Plataforma Consulta Real em Ambiente Virtual' (CRAV). Uma Plataforma Online de gestão de pedidos e fluxos de acesso ao acervo digital e físico dos 18 arquivos sob alçada da DGLAB, entre os quais, o Arquivo Nacional Torre do Tombo, que permite a regulação do acesso de cidadãos à documentação sob gestão da DGLAB, agilizar o processo de autorização de consulta e acesso físico aos documentos, a integração com o sistema de arquivos digitais e facilitar o processo de orçamentação e pagamento.
O CRAV, como plataforma de transformação digital, oferece uma total desmaterialização do processo de acesso aos arquivos oficiais da república portuguesa. É uma solução de grande capacidade e escalabilidade, suportando a fortíssima carga diária de acessos internos e externos. Totalmente baseado em ferramentas Open Source (ausência de custos de licenciamento e de manutenção do software), o CRAV permite a integração com múltiplos sistemas internos e externos (sistema de arquivos digitais, pagamentos, comunicações) e tem um interface responsivo totalmente funcional em dispositivos móveis.
A empresa responsável por este desenvolvimento foi a Caixa Mágica Software.
ESOP presented the presentation of the 2021 Prémio Abertura Award, at the Open Source Lisbon event, which this year took place for the second consecutive year, in a virtual form, with the presentation of the President of the Board, Gerardo Lisboa.
WINNER: Águas do Norte, S.A
Águas do Norte emphasizes that the project AdN4.0+, was conceived to contribute to the national strategy of administrative modernization and digital transformation, proving to be essential the investment in information and communication systems that ensure the systematic and secure recording of information, its accessibility, its monitoring and the obtaining of data that support the decision-making processes in real time, greatly promoting the efficiency of the services provided, as well as promoting maximum transparency in the sharing of relevant information between Águas do Norte, SA and interested parties. The AdN4.0+ project has as main objectives to ensure the reduction of bureaucracy, the dematerialization of processes, the improvement of service quality and customer satisfaction, promoting participation/sharing, innovation and the provision of public services focused on a digital economy.
The INCM, as a provider of the National Identification and Civil Authentication solution in Cape Verde, promoted the development, by Caixa Mágica, of a software to support the National Identification Card, and respective SDKs for various programming languages.
Through this software, citizens of Cape Verde can take advantage of the digital features of their National Identification Card, thus becoming holders of an identification document with the most advanced functions in the electronic component.
The microchip, an integral part of the National Identification Card, stores information that enables the establishment of processes, based on strong digital cryptography, which uniquely and extremely securely authenticate each citizen. The software manages all interactions between the card, citizens, professional users of state bodies and central information storage and processing systems. The entire process of activating and editing citizens' data will be possible through the use of middleware software, which is also the tool used to change personal data, addresses and, not least, for electronic signature of documents and digital authentication.
- Associação Nacional de Professores de Informática (ANPRI)
ANPRI uses Open Source solutions in the management and administration of training, organization of resources and partners, as a means of communication with the public. But they also carry out with different audiences (teachers, students and guardians), awareness-raising initiatives, training and implementation of educational projects using Open Source solutions, promoting their use in different contexts.
The 2020 'Prémio Abertura' Award was presented by Paulo Ribeiro, Vice President of ESOP, at Open Source Lisbon 2020, which due to the constraints caused by COVID-19 happened online.
WINNER: OMIP-Pólo Português, S.G.M.R., S.A.
This Portuguese company is part of the Iberian Electricity Market Operator (OMI) which is structured in two companies that own shares, OMEL and OMIP SGPS. Each company holds part of the two management companies of the electricity market in the Iberian Peninsula, namely: OMIE, manager of the daily and intraday market, and OMI - Pólo Português (OMIP), manager of the forward market. In turn, the management companies also hold a stake in OMIClear - Sociedade de Compensação de Mercados de Energia, SA.
JAVALI was the company responsible for the development of the websites OMIP (OMI-Polo Português) and OMIClear. With a more current design, more intuitive and organized content structure, JAVALI developed and implemented the concept of multisite, using the Open Source Content Management System (CMS), Drupal.
- Banco de Portugal
Banco de Portugal was nominated to 2020 'Prémio Abertura' Award for the implementation of a solution for continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) and container orchestration based on Red Hat Openshift. SYONE and Red Hat were responsible for the design and implementation of this CI/CD solution and Orchestration of Containers to support the Banco de Portugal Statistics Portal. The solution was implemented using various Open Source technologies such as Python, Django, Red Hat Openshift, Jenkins and Red Hat Container Native Storage. This new BPstat portal disseminates and makes available more than 300 thousand statistical series on the Portuguese economy and the euro area economy, produced by Banco de Portugal and by several national and international statistical entities. It presents a simpler and more intuitive navigation logic, integrating statistical information, texts and infographic content for a better understanding of the published data; on the portal, the user can search, access and cross-check statistical data from different domains and subdomains, and can also build graphics, export content and share information with other users.
- Instituto de Informática, I.P.,
The Instituto de Informática, I.P., was nominated by the Social Security App + Próxima & Framework Mobile. It is available on Android and iOS, and already has more than 125,000 installations in 6 months. The Social Security + Próxima App allows Citizens and Businesses access to various Social Security services. The development of this app and the Mobile Framework with the participation of LINKARE. The app, the framework and the construction processes are fully implemented in open source software and use technologies such as Angular, Ionic, Java, Glassfish, Jenkins, Maven and Cordova.
ESOP presented on 4 October 2019 the Prémio Abertura Award 2019, at Open Source Lisbon - an event that promotes sharing of experiences, of success stories and of innovative applications using Open Source technologies - at the Centro Cultural de Belém. The award was presented by ESOP Vice-President Paulo Ribeiro, which announced the 2019 Prémio Abertura Award Winner and Honorable Mentions.
WINNER: IGFEJ - Institute of Financial Management and Justice Equipment
The winner of 2019 Prémio Abertura Award was, for the second consecutive year, the IGFEJ (Instituto de Gestão Financeira e Equipamentos da Justiça), now with the Portal for Public Consultation of Judicial Proceedings, also knows as "Os Meus Processos". This portal, developed by CAIXA MÁGICA SOFTWARE under the coordination of IGFEJ, is based on Open Source technologies (Java, Apache, Tomcat and Web Services REST) and allows public consultation of legal proceedings without costs and securely, through the authentication of applicants using AMA authentication platform (Citizen Card or Digital Mobile Key). This is a measure that aims to increase the transparency of justice in Portugal, allowing citizens not only to know the state of their proceedings (when this information is not restricted for some reason), but also to consult the various procedural documents that are part of the process.
- IRN - Instituto dos Registos e do Notariado
The IRN was The "Connecting Portuguese SIRCOM to BRIS" (Business Registers Interconnection System) project seeks to establish the interoperability of Portuguese business registration services (SIRCOM) with the European Union business registration system (BRIS). Using Open Source Access Point Technologies for e-Delivery and Java Spring Boot (based on Jhipster), LINKARE TI in partnership with IGFEJ and under the coordination of IRN, enables to European citizens search and consult public information about companies through a central service accessible at the European Justice Portal; to IRN enables regularly and securely update public business information at the European Central Portal of Justice or request access to other information about a particular company; and to BRIS, enables to receive and/or to send relative automatic requests, between Member States, such as the creation/extinction of companies and their repercussions on their branches in the European area
- DGRDN - Defense Resources Directorate
The Portugal Ministry of National Defense and the DGRDN (Direção-Geral de Recursos da Defesa Nacional) with the contemporary challenges of military recruitment, decided to develop an effective communication platform to support recruitment: to recruiting more and better, retaining more time and qualifying young people for military service. Therefore, the Military Recruitment Portal centralize in a single space all information related to the professions of the three branches of the Portuguese armed forces, enabling an exploratory navigation according to the profile of the young candidate. To the Portuguese Ministry of National Defense gives the ability to audit all portal code as is based on Open Source Technologies - Drupal CMS. Regarding accessibility this portal developed by JAVALI, was delivered in compliance with AAA level (maximum level). In addition, as a measure of Simplex + 2018, it contributes to the simplification of public administration services.
The 2018 Prémio Abertura Award was presented at the 16th edition of Open Source Lisbon, which took place in the City of Football (Lisbon), on 27 September.
- Ministério Público
The Portugal Public Prosecution Service (Ministério Público in Portuguese) is an entity that, for internal and external process (some of them confidential) has been using and migrating to Open Source technologies. Besides the use of GNU / Linux systems, MySQL, Apache, among others, uses Drupal, PHP and several other technologies based on Open Source.
Has various websites in Drupal (such as www.ministeriopublico.pt or http://comarca-acores.ministeriopublico.pt/), a portal of information aggregation from various prosecutor of CPLP, an online system to legal certification (http://www.ministeriopublico.pt/apostila), and was worked in Integration with various internal systems to obtain public information. Inclusion and migration of various databases (sqlserver, oracle), highlighting the legal opinions of the prosecutor.
- Ministry of Finances, UniLEO - Budgetary Framework Law Implementation Unit
UniLEO's (in Portuguese, Unidade de Implementação da Lei de Enquadramento Orçamental) mission is to ensure the implementation of the Budgetary Framework Law in order to provide to the State, its services and agencies, greater effectiveness of public policies in a logic of results, with the responsibility for the dissemination of the Accounting Standardization System to Public Administration (SNC-AP) and the reform of accounting and public accounts in general.
Therefore, have been created two modules of information system: “Entity Management” (Gestão de Entidades)- to collect information that characterizes each one of the entities - and “SNC-AP Questionnaire” (Questionário SNC-AP) - to monitor the maturity of the transition process to the SNC- AP through a monthly survey to entities, where the user is allowed, after a first fill in, to come back later to edit, add or delete the entered or preexisting information and then finalize the operation.
In order to ensure high levels of accessibility and usability, were adopted responsive graphics, allowing their adaptation to mobile devices.
This bet of Public Administration, Ministry of Finance, on Open Source solutions (CentOS, Jboss wildfly, Docker community + swarm, Primefaces community, Jasper reports community, Omnifaces, Apache commons, Eclipse ide & netbeans, Bootstrap, JQuery...), occur in a logic of modernization and digital transformation in an area of vital importance for the rational functioning of the Portuguese State: preparation, elaboration of the state budget and monitoring its implementation. Not forgetting the adoption of open standards, good practices and recommendations for building websites / web content in Public Administration.
- IGFEJ - Institute of Financial Management and Justice Equipment
IGFEJ (Instituto de Gestão Financeira e Equipamentos da Justiça), is a public institute, integrated in the indirect administration of the State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and its own patrimony, that succeeded in the attributions to the extinct Institute of Financial Management and Infrastructures of Justice, IP of Portugal (Instituto de Gestão Financeira e de Infraestruturas da Justiça, IP) and Institute of Information Technologies of the Justice, IP of Portugal (Instituto de Tecnologias de Informação da Justiça, IP).
The Electronic Judicial Certificate project (Certidão Judicial Eletrónica or CJE) make part of the Portuguese Ministry of Justice and started in 2017. Its purpose is to create a portal where users can issue online certificates about their court proceedings. Previously, to obtain this certificates it was necessary to go to the court, make a formal written request and expect for the follow-up. With this project, which arises from the need to comply one of the requirements of the SIMPLEX+ government program, for common and predefined certificates can be made immediately, thus facilitating citizens' lives.
This project was development using Java, Apache, Tomcat and Web Services REST technologies.
A project with innovative character and technological disruption in the transformation in public administration, framed in the Simplex Program.
Measure # 73 - "Certidão Judicial Eletrónica" enrolled in Simplex + 2016 Program.
The 2018 winner was IGFEJ. It was announced by ESOP Vice President Paulo Ribeiro and was delivered to the President of the IGFEJ Board of Directors, Dr. Joaquim Carlos Rodrigues by Dr. Cândido Mariz, representing the Barcelos City Council, the distinguished entity last year. According to the President of the Institute:
“IGFEJ thanks ESOP for this award, sharing it with our partner CAIXA MÁGICA and dedicating it to the employees of our organizations who have done so much for digital transformation and online services in the area of justice.”
The Auditorium of the Rectory of the University of Lisbon was the chosen place for the Open Source Lisbon, on 28 September, where the 2017 Prémio Abertura Award was presented.
- INCM - The Portuguese Mint and Official Printing Office
The Portuguese Mint and Official Printing Office (Imprensa Nacional - Casa da Moeda in Portuguese) whose motto is "The value of Security", is a state owned company in charge of providing fundamental goods and services to the Portuguese State, such as minting metallic coins and publishing the Official Journal (Diário da República). INCM also produces security documents, such as a citizen identification card and passport.
Betting on the technological evolution and digital transformation most of its business processes, INCM from 2015/2016 strengthened its focus on Open Source technologies. Since then, it has been implementing a set of projects using open source technologies to modernize and optimize services rendered to society and to improve its internal organization. The projects present at this nomination are:
- Diário da Republica electronic platform (DRE) - https://dre.pt/ - In compliance with the Simplex+ 2016 Program, in 2016 was launched a new interface with a new image, improved usability and adapted for use on mobile devices. Along with the new interface, content search and indexing have also been improved, users have free access to all DRE features. The edition and publication of the Diário da República in electronic format is supported by a wide range of Open Source technologies, including Liferay, Java and Sol-r.
- Online Complaint Book (LRO) - https://www.livroreclamacoes.pt - An initiative of the Directorate General of Consumer developed in partnership with INCM, which implemented the project. It was a project also part of the Simplex+ 2016 Program. In parallel to the paper version and with the objective to dematerialisation completely this service in the future, was developed a platform to provide citizens an electronic service by improving and intensifying the relationship and dialogue between consumers, public authorities and economics operators. The implementation of this platform, will be carried out in two phases, a pilot project, which has been fully operational since 1 July 2017, with the participation of the regulators entities of essential services (ANACOM, ERSAR and ERSE) and a second phase, extending the scope to all entities that receive consumer complaints. The Complaints Book is supported by a wide range of Open Source technologies, including: Liferay, Java, Tomcat, Apache and Linux.
- Intranet - migration of Sharepoint to Liferay and MSSQL to MySQL - At internal organization level, INCM has migrated the Intranet to a new solution based in Open Source technology, replacing the Sharepoint solution with Liferay, along with replacing MSSQL with MySQL for the database. In addition to the previously existing functionality, an additional functionality has been developed, integrated in the same platform, that concerns the registration of entrances in the INCM facilities, which is also fully supported by Open Source technology.
The solution adopted ensured the full replacement of the previous Intranet functionality, including all editing workflow, approval and publishing of contents, while improving interface, accessibility and usability.It is named for its focus on developing open source solutions (Liferay, Java, Primefaces, MySQL, Sol-r, Tomcat, Apache, Linux, ...), in a logic of internal organization modernization and digital transformation of services for general public (citizens and businesses). Having also strategically focused on using Open Source technologies in line with management guidelines.
Integrated in the Simplex+ 2016/2017 Program.
- IGFEJ - Institute of Financial Management and Justice Equipment
IGFEJ (Instituto de Gestão Financeira e Equipamentos da Justiça), is a public institute, integrated in the indirect administration of the Portuguese State, endowed with administrative and financial autonomy and its own patrimony, that succeeded in the attributions to the extinct (Instituto de Gestão Financeira e de Infraestruturas da Justiça, IP) and Institute of Information Technologies of the Justice, IP of Portugal (Instituto de Tecnologias de Informação da Justiça, IP).
RCOL (Criminal Record) - The criminal record is a project part of the Ministry of Justice started in 2016. Its main purpose is to create an online criminal record portal. Previously for the ordinary citizen obtain the certificate of his criminal record had necessarily go to a courts. In order to facilitate this process, IGFEJ making it possible for everyone to request the issuance of their criminal records electronically. This project arises from the need to comply with one of requirement of SIMPLEX + government program.
Used technologies: Java, Apache, Tomcat, Web Services Rest.
- Barcelos City Council
The Barcelos City Council (Municipio de Barcelos) has been using Open Source solutions transversely and three areas can be highlighted: Application Development, Infrastructure and Desktops.
In terms of applications, uses CMS Plone and Django (web applications for institutional websites and services), Koha (integrated library management), databases (PostgreSQL), Process Maker (web based workflow and Business Process Management).
In Infrastructure uses the virtualization software Nuxis by Ovirt, Eurotux Firewall, Asterisk on VoIP, and the mail server is evolving to Postfix + SOGo, Icinga monitoring, and several computing platforms are implemented with Linux CentOS OS.
In the Barcelos City Council desktops LibreOffice is widespread.
The Barcelos City Council has addressed the most diverse areas with Open Source solutions, either through outsourcing or internal resources, namely in the development of applications that interact with, thus evidencing a strong bet on open software that is undoubtedly a reference case at national level.
The 2017 Prémio Abertura Award was delivery to the Barcelos City Council, as a distinction in promoting Open Source software and Open Technologies in Portugal.
This distinction was presented by the 2017 ESOP's President, Eng. Raul Oliveira, to the Chief of the Modernization and Technology Division of the Barcelos City Council, Dr. Cândido Mariz. According to him, “this is a prize that distinguishes Barcelos City Council as an example of best practices at the level of all public administration, which has been following a policy of administrative modernization that favors the use of Open Source technologies, because they are more secure and free of significant licensing costs".
Barcelos City Council's website, the Agenda Barcelos, E-urbanismo and many other cases of citizen linkage and internal management platforms are developed using open source platforms.
The 2016 winner was announced at the Open Source Lisbon 2016 on September 29 in the Rectory of NOVA University Lisbon (Auditório da Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
- Informatics Institute, II, I.P., Nova Direct Social Security
The new (Nova) Direct Social Security (SSD) represents the conceptual and technological evolution, of the Social Security Information System in several domains. Based on a vision focused on citizens and economic agents, aims to simplifies the access to information and to provide greater autonomy in their relation with Social Security.
The new SSD was in a global design and usability study, which led to the creation of an interface with high levels of accessibility and significant improvements in user experience.
In addition, to enable users to achieve their objectives in a self-service way, the new SSD is also committed to more effective, proactive and comprehensive communication, completely dematerialized, through Social Security Inbox. As a complement to this offer, there is also the service platform which enables electronic communication through the integration between information systems, to facilitate and speed up the relation between economic agents and Social Security.
With about 1.3 million authentications per month, the remuneration submission service alone is responsible for receiving 550,000 statements submitted monthly by employers.
This online Social Security channel, provide information and online services to businesses and citizens. Is available at: https://app.seg-social.pt/sso/
The new SSD is part of the Simplex + 2016 Program.
- Informatics Institute,, II, I.P., SigaApp
SigaApp is a mobile application for the attendance management information system and is available for Android and iOS mobile devices. This application allows to consult information about all entities and services participants, allows select the district region or proximity, uses user's location to indicate the best way to get there by consulting the map. In terms of attendance, the application allows conveniently and remotely take off an electronic ticket to be attended, as well provide information on the number of people waiting and inform about the last attendance wait time, to help decision making.
This application was fully developed using Open Source solutions and is fully integrated in the Institute of Informatics Continuous Integration System, also supported by Open Source technologies.
It is an application with great potential for all citizens and is part of the Simplex+ 2016 Program.
- IGAC - General Inspection of Cultural Activities, Digital Transformation
In 2015 IGAC (Inspeção Geral das Atividades Culturais) started a digital transformation. This transformation was supported by 3 systems installed in infrastructure managed by AMA - Agency for Administrative Modernization:
- SIIGAC: IGAC information system that continues to support all backoffice activities related to business processes.
- New Document and Process Management: Customization of a Document and Process Management System - iPortalDoc - with the creation of workflows for business and office processes.
- New Portal: implemented on Liferay, allows to make information and services available online to companies and citizens.
Additionally, the simplification and dematerialization of business and office processes, allows productivity gains in the operation of IGAC. Regardless of when the process starts (SIIGAC, iPortalDoc, Portal) the integration between the 3 systems of information, documents, files, workflow and notifications is ensured. IGAC's ongoing digital transformation is supported by Open Source solutions: Liferay, iPortalDoc, Java Enterprise Edition, Primefaces, php, Tomcat, mySQL, Postgresql, Bootstrap.
The portal is available at: https://www.igac.pt/.
Contributed to the dematerialization of services for a large number of citizens and businesses, and was framed under a QREN-SAMA contract (notice 1/2010).
The Nova Direct Social Security project, from the Informatics Institute, II, IP, was the winner of the 2016 Prémio Abertura Award. Carla Costa and Paulo Antunes, from the Informatics Institute, II, IP, were on stage to receive the Award, by the hands of 2016 ESOP's President, Eng. Raul Oliveira, they have reinforced the spirit of work and perseverance and thanking ESOP for the Award.
Celebrating eight years of activity in 2015, ESOP had chosen the Linux Event for the Prémio Abertura Award Ceremony, on October 1st, at the Technological Pole of Lisbon.
- TAP Portugal, Fly Tap Portal - Based on Open Source technologies, the FlyTAP portal is a complex and challenging infrastructure, with elaborate backoffice workflow processes and a content management team spread around the world, working 24/7. The portal offers to their visitors about 53 different markets and over 20 languages. The technologies used guarantee excellent performance, a high level of scalability and a superior degree of security, all being Open Source: CMS Siteseed, operating system (Linux), programming languages (PHP, JavaScript), database servers. (MySQL, SQLite) and web servers (Apache).
- IHRU - Housing and Urban Rehabilitation Institute (Instituto de Habitação e Reabilitação Urbana) - Is an online tool to simulate an urban rehabilitation project, to understand eligibility criteria and possible levels of funding under a public building rehabilitation support program "Rehabilitate for Renting". The project focuses on high levels of usability and functionality. This project was fully develop with Open Source Technologies: MongoDB, JEE, JavaServer Faces, Primefaces, JBoss WildFly 8.0, and installed on Linux infrastructure. The simulator is available at: http://www.ihru.pt/simulator/
- Informatics Institute I.P - In recent years, the Institute of Informatics has developed several projects using Open Source technologies:
- Framework Web and Framework Batch, developed on on Java Enterprise Edition to support the implementation of new Social Security projects, integrated in Vision 2.0, such as: Work Compensation Fund (in Portuguese Fundo de Compensação do Trabalho) and Work Compensation Guarantee Fund (in Portuguese Fundo de Garantia de Compensação do Trabalho): www.fundoscompensacao.pt.
- Security Portal: about Liferay, Solr Cloud e Nutch: www.seg-social.pt
- Fraud-fighting pattern detection project based on Hadoop, Spark e Kafka.
- Support environment to software development: Software Development Support Environment: continuous Integration (Jenkins, Nexus, SVN, Maven, Bugzilla, SonarQube), knowledge management (xWiki) e IDE's.
FlyTap Portal, by TAP Portugal, was the winner of 2015 Prémio Abertura Award, delivery at 2015 Linux Event - XIII National Meeting on Open Technology.
In 2014 the Prémio Abertura Award was presented at Linux Event 2014 - XII National Meeting on Open Technology, that took place on September 25, in Lisbon.
IST - Mechanical Engineering Department – Numeric Weather Forecast Group (GPNT - in Portuguese Grupo de Previsão Numérica do Tempo), for the project, that has been running since 2001, witch available the weather forecast in Portugal for free at: http://meteo.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
The GPNT, from IST Environment and Energy Section was founded by Professor José Delgado Domingos in 1999 to provide high resolution weather forecasts. The scientific calculation infrastructure and the interactive website for detailed forecasting of weather parameters and presentation of current and historical weather observations, based on scientific forecasting models, were fully developed with Open Source technologies such as Linux, Perl and PHP with a unique degree of sophistication in their scope.
- Évora University, for adopting the Open Standards as described in the RNID for editable and non-editable documents (ODF and PDF).
The Évora University has proactively adopted (without legal imposition) the Open Standards that are already mandatory for State entities contemplated by Law 36/2011, being the first University in Portugal to take this step.
U.Porto University, by implementing a Private Cloud based on Open Source technology. The academic community of U.Porto University, with about 36,000 users, supports various projects with different types of needs. IT technical infrastructures were end-of-life and scattered across 14 colleges and research institutes. A project with a large, flexible, highly integrating and growing infrastructure, that guarantees interoperability with existing virtualization infrastructures, and interoperability with the Public Cloud.
These nominations are not only to the relevance of the activities of these organizations to Open Source in Portugal, but also to the importance that the academic community has in the development of these technologies and their catalytic role in innovation and development projects.
The open and collaborative model makes perfect sense in higher education institutions and helps create critical mass for the development of initiatives to produce new solutions, but also for strengthening the number of human resources available to industry.
The Mechanical Engineering Department - Numerical Weather Forecasting Group of the Instituto Superior Técnico, was the winner of the Prémio Abertura Award, this year delivered by ESOP at the Linux Event 2014 - XII National Meeting on Open Technology.
The winner dedicated the award to Professor José Delgado Domingos memory, who “had been advocating the use of Open Source and the provision of public sector data for R&D for many years”.
In 2013, the Prémio Abertura Award was presented at the Linux Event 2013 - XI National Meeting on Open Technology, which took place at the Technological Pole of Lisbon on 26 September.
- IGAC – General Inspection of Cultural Activities of Portugal
- Informatics Institute, of Social Security of Portugal
- SPMS – Ministry of Health Shared Services, EPE of Portugal
The Prémio Abertura Award was presented by ESOP 2013 President, Dr. Álvaro Pinto to SPMS - Ministry of Health Shared Services, EPE, for the adoption of Open Source technologies at the Ministry of Health. Represented by the Vogal of the Board of Directors, Dr. Carla Reis Santos, who thanked the distinction and reflected “the path we are following and the award makes us believe that it is the right one”.
The objective of the project was to serve as a validation pilot to, with its resources and acquired knowledge, extend the solution in the Ministry of Health (reaching a universe of 60,000 users). According to SPMS, the project motives were to “comply the new legislation that prioritizes Open Source software adoption, reduce licensing costs and accumulate knowledge to replicate within the Ministry of Health.”
This pilot project covered 200 SPMS users in Oporto and Lisbon, and consisted in the migrating of domain, file and email servers to Open Source and moving Microsoft Outlook to Mozilla Thunderbird. This implementation arises from the continuation of another successful case held at CHP - Centro Hospitalar do Porto, where the same technology has been used since 2005, covering about 6,000 users.
The 2012 Prémio Abertura Award was presented at the Linux 2012 Event - X National Meeting on Open Technology that took place in the Technological Pole of Lisbon, on September 27, to:
- Insurance Company Tranquilidade, SA. for the implementation of Linux desktop in a universe of 750 company employees. This project led, according to the company, to an 80% reduction in the desktop software bill.
The Prémio Abertura Award was presented to the Services Organization and Systems Director, of Tranquilidade, Pedro Ferreira, after the first public presentation of this project, which stood out as one of the strongest at the Linux 2012 Event.
The 2011 Prémio Abertura Award was presented on September 29, at the Lispólis Auditorium, in Lisbon. At the same event where the 20th anniversary of the Linux operating system was celebrated.
In this year the Prémio Abertura Award was presented to two entities:
- To the Comissão de Trabalho, Segurança Social e Administração Pública (Committee on Labor, Social Security and Public Administration), represented by Deputy Miguel Laranjeiro - for the actions taken on the theme of Open Standards;
- To AMA - Administrative Modernization Agency, represented by the Vogal of the Board of Directors Gonçalo Caseiro - for the actions developed on the theme of interoperability.
The first 'Prémio Abertura' Award cerimony took place at the VII National Meeting on Technology
Open, a reference event in the ICT area, which took place at the Lispólis Auditorium, in Lisbon, on 24 September 2009. At this event, at 16.20, ESOP presented the 'Prémio Abertura' Award, in order to distinguish the entities that contributed to the dissemination of Open Source software and/or associated good practices.
Thus, he distinguished:
- Secretary of State for Public Works and Communications (Secretaria de Estado das Obras Públicas e das Comunicações), represented by Secretary of State Dr. Paulo Campos, for his work in advocating for software alternatives on platforms distributed under the e-escolas e e-escolinhas programs;
- Inforlandia, represented by Dr. Gabriel Santos, for the work they have done in offering Open Source software on his hardware platforms, namely in providing the Insys Gameforce product integrated in the e-escolas program;
- Assembly of the Portuguese Republic for the "Software Livre no Parlament" initiative, which was unanimously approved by the other parliamentary groups, and the proposal "Normas Abertas nos Sistemas Informáticos do Estado”, represented by Deputy Bruno Dias (PCP), as the first underwriter of the initiative despite the award being extended to all parliamentary groups by unanimous approval.
2021 Prémio Abertura Award distinguishes advanced training in Open Source
The National Association of Computer Teachers (ANPRI) received an Honorable Mention of the 2021 Prémio Abertura Award for its Training Center.
2021 Prémio Abertura Award distinguishes international collaboration in Open Source
For the first time in the history of the Prémio Abertura Award, ESOP has nominated an international entity for the Opening Prize, the National Civil Identification and Authentication System of Cape Verde (SNIAC) which was nominated together with Imprensa Nacional – Casa da Moeda, SA (INCM), for the project implemented by Caixa Mágica Software “Middleware for the use of electronic documents of Cape Verde”.
2021 Prémio Abertura Award highlights digital transformation
The winning entity of this edition was the Águas do Norte, S.A with the project “AdN4.0+: increasing the efficiency of services through the reengineering and dematerialization of processes”.
The winner of the Opening 2020 Award was presented by Paulo Ribeiro, Vice President of ESOP, at the Open Source Lisbon 2020, on 11th of October.
The three nominees for the 'Prémio Abertura' 2020 Award are already known.
ESOP presented on 4 October 2019 the Prémio Abertura Award 2019, an annual award that aims to distinguish the entities that contribute to the promotion of Open Source software and Open Technologies in Portugal.
In 2018, ESOP celebrated 11 years of activity and will present the 2018 Opening Prize, aimed at distinguishing entities that contribute to the dynamization of Open Source software and Open Technologies in Portugal.