
26 June

Open Source in Finance Forum (OSFF)

The Open Source in Finance Forum is a conference for experts across financial services, technology and open source to deepen collaboration and drive innovation across the industry in order to deliver better code faster.

Financial services firms make extensive use of open source, and are now starting to take full advantage of this incredible resource. By becoming strategic contributors to open source projects, companies decrease development costs, improve security, attract developers, and innovate faster. This event will showcase recent developments and the direction of open source in financial services; provide practical knowledge and guidance on best practices, tools and technologies; explore how to build a successful community; and provide unparalleled opportunities to network with the executives and individuals driving open source in financial services.


25 May

Dia da Comunidade do Tor de 2024

O Dia da Comunidade do Tor é uma oportunidade para o Projeto Tor, os Core Contributors do Tor, os membros da comunidade do Tor, e pessoas interessadas no Tor para se encontrarem e conversarem sobre o Tor, o impacto do Tor, aqui, em Portugal, a evasão à censura, privacidade, e muito mais! O Dia de Comunidade do Tor de 2024 está agendado para dia 25 de maio de 2024, e a primeira parte vai ser em inglês e a segunda parte em português.

Mais pormenores anunciados brevemente.

4 April

Open Source Driving the European Digital Decade

This event is part of the OFE Capital Series, which takes place in each Member State that holds the Presidency of the Council of the EU. Now the turn has come to Belgium, this event will seek to bridge the gap between the EU inner workings and the Open Source Software (OSS) communities active all over Europe.

You can already register for the event, which will take place in Brussels on 4 April.

The event is organised under the auspices of the Belgian Presidency.


22 February a 21 March

OFE Lounge 2024: Standardisation and Open Source in the Age of Software Regulation

This webinar series is organised under the umbrella of StandICT.eu 2026.

The OFE Lounge 2024 seeks to bridge standardisation and open source organisations, creating a platform to discuss the changing dynamics of software development and ICT standardisation. Drawing from previous iterations of the OFE Lounge Series, as well as studies such as the JRC’s “The Relationship Between Open Source Software and Standard Setting” and OFE’s study “Standardisation and Open Source – Bringing them together” for the European Commission, this series aims to facilitate knowledge transfer between significant open source and standardisation entities, as well as the European Commission. For this iteration of the series, we will focus on the standardisation activities following new EU regulation with implications for software development, such as the Cyber Resilience Act, the New Product Liability Directive and the AI Act.

All sessions will adhere to the Chatham House Rule.

22/2 - 18:00 Session 1: Kick-off session
29/2 - 18:00 Session 2: The AI Act
07/3 - 18:00 Session 3: The Cyber Resilience Act
14/3 - 18:00 Session 4: To be announced
21/3 - 16:30 Session 5: Workshop to Conclude the Series. A comprehensive workshop aiming to bring together insights from previous sessions. Expect engaging discussions on stakeholder perspectives, the EC Strategy on OSS, the EU Standardisation strategy, procurement perspectives, industry groups, and findings from the latest research.


1 February

Symposium and Summit 2024

The event is scheduled to take place on February 1st, 2024, starting at 2:00pm at the UNESCO headquarters. This hybrid event allows registrations from the general public for both in-person and online attendance.

To secure your spot, please complete this simple registration form. Confirmation will be promptly provided based on seat availability.


The half-day event, which will follow a hybrid format of virtual and on-site participation at the UNESCO Headquarters, will focus on several major dimensions of relevance to the Software Heritage archive:

  • Software source code as documentary heritage and an enabler for historical research
  • Scientific challenges for analyzing and learning from preserved Source Code
  • Software source code as a first class research output in the Open Science ecosystem
  • Software source code as enabler for innovation and sharing in industry and administration

Below you can find the preliminary program, that will be progressively enriched and completed.



10 November

2º Encontro Regional BAD Madeira

O 2º Encontro da Delegação Regional da Madeira da BAD – Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários, Arquivistas, Profissionais da Informação e Documentação, realizar-se-á no próximo dia 10 de novembro, intitulado: “Serviço de informação para as comunidades“. Pretende-se privilegiar a reflexão e o debate sobre o papel dos arquivos na sociedade de informação, a multiplicidade de tipologias documentais que os seus acervos guardam, resultado da evolução tecnológica da sociedade. Mas, neste segundo encontro deseja-se também conhecer as estratégias de comunicação que as instituições de legado cultural (bibliotecas, arquivos e museus) usam para dar a conhecer o seu trabalho. Outro tema que também abordaremos são as novas comunidades que utilizam os canais digitais para divulgar e sugerir livros e o seu impacto na leitura.


9 November

World Usability Day 2023


13 October

IV Jornadas de Gestão da Informação – Interação entre arquivistas e informáticos

O  Grupo de Trabalho de Arquivos Municipais (GT-AM) da BAD, em parceria com o Município de Coimbra,  organizam as IV Jornadas de Gestão da Informação – Interação entre arquivistas e informáticos, que se irá realizar no próximo dia 13 de outubro,  no Convento São Francisco,  Sala D. Afonso Henriques, em Coimbra.


15 September a 17 September


26 April

World Plone Day 2023

The World Plone Day (WPD) is a worldwide 24-hour Plone online event, with the goal to share information and insight about the benefits of using Plone and being part of the Plone community.

As Plone, and our community, are multilingual, all presentations will be held in either English or the local language of the presenter.

Plone communications and marketing team will help organize the event - please contact marketing@plone.org for any questions!
