
6 April

How Academic OSPOs Are Amplifying Research Impact

In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the efforts being made at UC Santa Cruz to amplify the impact of academic research by leveraging open source ecosystems, and how these activities are opening opportunities that can benefit industry partners – both through the engagement with university researchers and the education of the next generation of technical professionals.
Mais informações, aqui

5 April

Webinar on Role of Data in Digital Transformation

This webinar session will start by discussing approaches on how to handle data and its integration within an academic or industrial project/environment and ends with a session discusses the impact of accessing the data to define new businesses or shaping the vision of projects.

Mais informações aqui.

5 April

Ciclo de Webinares APDSI sobre Regulação Digital: DSA e DMA – Reta Final

Na reta final dos trílogos relativos ao DMA (Digital Markets Act) e DSA (Digital Services Act), impõe-se fazer um ponto de situação do processo de adoção destes regulamentos, invulgarmente célere. Abordaremos o compromisso alcançado entre o Conselho de Ministros e o Parlamento Europeu quanto ao DMA e os progressos da presidência francesa quanto ao DSA, procurando assegurar uma abordagem pedagógica e informativa sobre as transformações trazidas pelos futuros regulamentos. Inscrições aqui

4 April

Enable the future of healthcare: federated, citizen-centric and insight-driven!

The European health domain is highly fragmented. Gaia-X has set the goal of making health data accessible for the creation of health insights to improve the prevention and care of each individual citizen, for an improved dialogue between citizens and healthcare professionals, and for the progress of health policy and medical innovation. Access to health data will be balanced with the privacy of this sensitive personal data, such that citizens stay in control entirely. The Gaia-X framework enables health data spaces that are citizen-centric, sovereign and federated and that can be deployed with trust and at scale. These data spaces integrate existing data initiatives in a federated structure and invite new initiatives to join the federation, to progress medicine, reduce costs and improve health for all.