
7 Julho

OpenUK State of Open in 2022

OpenUK sponsored by Sarah Murphy MS invite you to a drinks and canapés reception at the Senedd Cymru / Welsh Parliament, Cardiff, 7 July, 6-8pm, To celebrate the launch of OpenUK’s new Report, “State of Open: The UK in 2022”.

The Report incorporates survey output, case studies and thought leadership, with the event also being streamed.

To join in person or watch the live stream register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/open-uk-state-of-open-tickets-368231128217

30 Junho

Ciclo #RegulaçãoDigital | Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework (TADPF) – Solução ou Problema adiado?

A APDSI, no âmbito do seu Grupo de Missão “DSA, DMA, e-Privacy”, realiza o quinto webinar do Ciclo #RegulaçãoDigital sobre “Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework (TADPF) – Solução ou Problema adiado?”, no dia 30 de junho (quinta-feira), pelas 18:00 horas, na plataforma Zoom.

Neste quinto evento do Ciclo #RegulaçãoDigital, a APDSI contará com as participações de:

  • Graça Canto Moniz, Professora de Direito, Universidade Lusófona, Nova School of Law;
  • Sebastião Barros Vale, EU Policy Counsel no Future of Privacy Forum (FPF);
  • Representante da Meta.

A coordenação e moderação da sessão estará a cargo de Luís Neto Galvão, coordenador do Grupo de Missão “DSA, DMA, e-Privacy” da APDSI.


30 Junho

OpenExpo Europe 2022

OpenExpo Europe es el mayor Congreso y Feria Profesional sobre Innovación Tecnológica Empresarial en Europa.
Reunirán el 30 de junio de 2022 en Madrid a más de 3.500 personalidades del sector, profesionales de todas las industrias, comunidades, principales empresas nacionales e internacionales, decision makers, asociaciones, fundaciones e instituciones, perfiles técnicos, expertos y usuarios de todos los niveles para informarse sobre las últimas tendencias, servicios y herramientas, aumentar la red de contactos, oportunidades de empleo, generar leads y negocios y, conocer de ante mano, todos los beneficios de las tecnologías de innovación abierta.
OpenExpo Europe sigue evolucionando año tras año ofreciendo a las empresas la información más actualizada sobre la transformación empresarial, las tendencias dentro del sector de IT y las últimas innovaciones.
Un día entero de conferencias, casos de éxito empresarial, keynote speakers, talleres prácticos, mesas redondas, demos y muchas otras actividades. https://openexpoeurope.com/es/

29 Junho

Delivering Digital Experiences at Scale with Cloud

Cloud computing is changing industries throughout the world, making business more effective, adaptive and enabling them to reduce overall cost of ownership.

Join this webinar to learn more about the benefits of transition to the cloud, and how Liferay Experience Cloud can help you in this journey. Liferay Experience Cloud is a flexible DXP-as-a-Service offering, with Liferay Digital Experience Platform (DXP) at the core, to create, launch and optimize your digital experiences.


29 Junho

Lisbon |> Elixir 16th Edition

  • Talk #1: Building Escape Room puzzles in Elixir
    Speaker: Sam Mullin – Software Engineer @ Pager Duty
    In this talk we'll explore how we can use Elixir and Nerves to manage the state of an Escape room and build interesting puzzles with inter-dependencies.
  • Talk #2: Elixir + Nerves + Keys = Elixir Keyboard
    Speaker: André Albuquerque – Software Engineer @ Remote

Building embedded software used to be hard: you had to think about firmware updates, how to configure the low-level network stack, be mindful about the edge cases that will render your device inoperable, just to name a few. In this talk we’ll understand how Nerves greatly simplifies the development process, and how it allow us to use Elixir to build embedded software. In the end, we will apply what we talked about by creating a keyboard controller from scratch with Nerves and a Raspberry Pi Zero.


23 Junho a 24 Junho

DevNation Day @ Devoxx Poland 2022

Our DevNation Day track includes specialized content from Red Hat Developer, exclusively for Devoxx Poland. Explore the cutting edges of Java, Quarkus, Kafka, and more. We look forward to seeing you there!


23 Junho

Innovating DevOps - The One DevOps Platform

On Thursday, June 23 at 8 am Pacific (3 pm UTC), GitLab co-founder and CEO, Sid Sijbrandij, and VP of Product, David DeSanto, will unveil the latest iteration of The One DevOps Platform.

Join the celebration to:

  • Hear from best-selling author and DORA co-founder Gene Kim about the future of DevOps
  • See how GitLab will evolve The One DevOps Platform to meet that future and support your career aspirations
  • Discover how GitLab 15 can help your team deliver secure software, while maintaining compliance and automating manual processes


23 Junho a 24 Junho

Global Security Vulnerability Summit

'The Global Security Vulnerability Summit aims to bring multiple industries and communities together to solve the way organizations produce and consume vulnerability information.'

Mais informações aqui

22 Junho

Nextcloud Enterprise Day

The Nextcloud Enterprise Day provides IT professionals like project managers and decision makers the opportunity to define their own strategy to get the most out of their Content Collaboration Platform.


21 Junho a 22 Junho

MyData 2022

MyData 2022 brings together stakeholders representing Business, Legal, Tech and Social perspectives, because they are all equally important for accelerating the human-centric policies and approaches to personal data.

#MyData2022 #MyData #PersonalData #DataEconomy
