
21 Setembro a 25 Setembro

DjangoCon Europe 2022

DjangoCon Europe is run by the community for the community. This is the 14th edition of the Conference and it is organized by a team made up of Django practitioners from all levels. We welcome people from all over the world. Our conference seeks to educate and develop new skills, best practices and ideas for the benefit of attendees, developers, speakers and everyone in our global Django Community, not least those watching the talks online. Mais informações em https://2022.djangocon.eu/

19 Setembro a 21 Setembro


ArgoCon is designed to foster collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing on the Argo Project, which consists of four projects: Argo CD, Argo Workflows, Argo Rollouts, and Argo Events. This event is aimed at audiences that are new to Argo as well as providing depth to those currently using Argo within their organization. Connect with others that are passionate about Argo and interact with project maintainers. Learn from practitioners about pitfalls to avoid and best practices on how to adopt Argo in your cloud native environment. Get inspired by and provide input to Argo leads on project roadmaps.
The event is vendor-neutral and is being organized by the CNCF Argo Community. Topics in the past have included getting started with Argo, scaling and managing Argo, lessons learned from production deployments, technical sessions, and thought leadership.
Please direct questions about this event to events@cncf.io.

Mais informações aqui

19 Setembro

Tech in Finance

Join us at Tech in Finance, a unique conference aimed at tech specialists in the financial sector. They decided to create this conference back in 2019 to create a space where all developers could share their knowledge in a specific event in the sector.


16 Setembro

Open Source Driving the European Digital Decade

Default-to-open policy has provided the necessary legal foundations to adopt and contribute to open source infrastructure across several key European verticals as well as all EU27 Member States. Many of the mission critical IT systems are open source and thus not only provide enterprise grade solutions but simultaneously realise Digital Sovereignty objectives. Similarly, open data has been a topic of discussion for years which could follow the same path as software code when it comes to agile co-innovation. If data is the new oil, more and more attention will be given to the legal constructs related to sharing and business models as well as the underpinning infrastructure needs. To achieve openness’ full potential in terms of economic growth, innovation and digital autonomy the entire spectrum and ecosystem should now be considered.


15 Setembro

Red hat research day Europe 2022

Learn about successful research cooperation between Red Hat and academic institutions worldwide, engage with industry and academic leaders, hear about their latest work, and get a glimpse of new research ideas that are just appearing on the horizon.


14 Setembro a 15 Setembro

FIWARE Global Summit 2022


Get ready for two days of world-class innovation, collaboration, and networking. Our two-days physical Summit is back – and we cannot wait to see you all again! Play a key role in a truly smart journey to Digital Transformation – be part of this growing global network.

FIWARE connects all who want to change the world, foretell the future and transform markets for the better – based on recognized Open Source technology.


13 Setembro a 16 Setembro

ContainerCon Europe

Containers are revolutionizing the way workloads are automated, deployed and scaled, and ContainerCon is where teams can learn more about why and how to adopt containerization to further automation, portability and efficiency. 


13 Setembro a 16 Setembro

Open Source Summit Europe 22

Organizado pela Fundação Linux. Open Source Summit is the premier event for open source developers, technologists, and community leaders to collaborate, share information, solve problems and gain knowledge, furthering open source innovation and ensuring a sustainable open source ecosystem. It is the gathering place for open source code and community contributors.Open Source Summit is a conference umbrella, composed of a collection of events covering the most important technologies, topics, and issues affecting open source today.
Mais informações em https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-europe/about/about-oss/

13 Setembro a 16 Setembro

Community Leadership Conference Europe

The Community Leadership Conference (CLC) is where community and business leaders interested in building empowered, productive, and diverse communities come together to discuss, collaborate and continue to refine the practice of community leadership at this event with world-class content and ample networking opportunities. 


13 Setembro

CyberResponderCon: Investigating Ransomware

CyberResponderCon: Investigating Ransomware is dedicated to helping cyber first responders investigate ransomware. While other events focus on preventing the attack, this focuses on what to do after it happens. Cyber First Responders will learn about:

  • Tools and techniques that they can use when they get called up
  • Different behaviors of ransomware families
  • How other responders treat these kinds of incidents
  • How law enforcement can help
