
24 Outubro a 28 Outubro

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2022

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers adopters and technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities in Detroit, Michigan from October 24 – 28, 2022. Join containerd, CoreDNS, Envoy, etcd, Fluentd, Harbor, Helm, Jaeger, Kubernetes, Linkerd, Open Policy Agent, Prometheus, Rook, TiKV, TUF, Vitess, Argo, Buildpacks, Cilium, CloudEvents, CNI, Contour, Cortex, CRI-O, Crossplane, dapr, Dragonfly, Emissary Ingress, Falco, Flagger, Flux, gRPC, KEDA, KubeEdge, Litmus, Longhorn, NATS, Notary, OpenTelemetry, Operator Framework, SPIFFE, SPIRE, and Thanos as the community gathers for five days to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

Mais informações aqui

24 Outubro

Open Observability Day North America

Open Observability Day (#OpenO11yDay) fosters collaboration, discussion, and knowledge sharing of cloud-native observability projects (including but not necessarily limited to Prometheus, Fluentd, Fluent Bit, OpenTelemetry, and OpenMetric), as well as vendor-neutral best practices for addressing observability challenges. Sessions include a keynote, panel discussions, workshops, lightning talks, and individual presentations. This event is intended both for audiences that are new to observability as well as for seasoned practitioners. Open Observability Day will enable you to spend a day peeking under the hood of major Cloud Native Computing Foundation observability related projects and broadening your knowledge of observability.


24 Outubro a 25 Outubro

EnvoyCon North America

The Envoy maintainers are excited to announce the 5th annual EnvoyCon, a practitioner-driven community conference that emphasizes end-user case studies as well as deep technical talks from vendors that have chosen to build offerings on top of Envoy (zero product pitches!). Come join us for an exciting day of technical content and networking (both the social and computing kind).

Originally built at Lyft and now a CNCF graduated project, Envoy is a cloud-native high-performance edge/middle/service proxy. In a short period of time, Envoy has been widely adopted throughout the industry in a variety of different deployment scenarios including edge proxy, “service mesh,” internal middle-proxy load balancer, etc. Envoy’s extensibility, performance, quality, API driven configuration, and community have all been drivers for the rapid growth of the project.


24 Outubro

Cloud Native eBPF Day North America

eBPF is transforming Cloud Native. Co-located with KubeCon + CloudNativeCon,  eBPF Day is a vendor-neutral conference that explores this transformational technology and its impact on the future of Cloud Native.

By making the Linux kernel programmable, eBPF has resulted in the development of a completely new generation of tooling in areas such as networking, security, application profiling/tracing, and performance troubleshooting. No longer is it necessary to rely on existing kernel functionality; now, it’s possible to actively reprogram runtime behavior without compromising execution efficiency or safety.


24 Outubro

Kubernetes Batch + HPC Day North America

Processing data creates insight and helps make the world a better place. With a renowned focus on batch workloads for HPC, AI/ML in Kubernetes we want to bring together a community of experts – open source contributors, practitioners, researchers, and end users who want to make Kubernetes the best tool to manage infrastructure for research, training and scientific use cases.


24 Outubro

Cloud Native Telco Day North America

Adopting cloud native best practices and principles are critical to the success and growth of Service Providers as they scale to meet new demands for 5G and beyond.

Cloud Native Telco Day brings together Service Providers and Vendors across the Telco ecosystem to collaborate with the cloud native community to share lessons learned in their cloud native journey.

Anyone involved with the digital transformation of Telco applications and/or infrastructures should join our second Cloud Native Telco Day.


24 Outubro

BackstageCon North America

BackstageCon is a one-day conference focused on all things Backstage: an open platform for building developer portals. At BackstageCon, we’ll provide a vendor-neutral space for collaboration and learning centered on improving developer experience and effectiveness through open source technologies.


23 Outubro

Money 20/20 USA

Join us at Money20/20, the leading global stage where stories unfold and the future is shaped. It’s where the Payments, Banking, Fintech and Financial Services community unites to create new and disruptive ways to move, manage, spend and borrow money.


23 Outubro a 24 Outubro

Spinnaker Summit

The sixth annual Spinnaker Summit will be co-located with KubeCon in Detroit on October 23-24, 2022. The Summit will bring together a global community of collaborators, focused on the future of Spinnaker, the open-source continuous delivery platform. The event will include hands-on workshops, keynotes, happy hours, and more. Targeted toward developers, architects, operators, and technical leaders, this event will be a great place to share knowledge and build connections.


20 Outubro

EU Datathon 2022

his year´s edition of the EU Datathon, the annual EU open data competition organised by the Publications Office of the European Union, promises to be particularly worthwhile. With 159 entries from 38 countries, the highest number so far in the EU Datathon’s history, we can expect an exciting final competition.

Join us for the finals! They will take place on 20 October 2022. Book your place to follow online, join in the discussions, and help choose the winner of the Public Choice Award. Only EU Datathon teams and speakers will be participating physically in Brussels.   


Videos do evento disponiveis em https://www.youtube.com/c/PublicationsOffice