2021 Prémio Abertura Award distinguishes advanced training in Open Source
2021 Prémio Abertura Award distinguishes advanced training in Open Source

The National Association of Computer Teachers (ANPRI) received an Honorable Mention of the 2021 Prémio Abertura Award for its Training Center.
ANPRI uses Open Source solutions in the management and administration of training, organization of resources and partners, as a means of communication with the public. But they also carry out with different audiences (teachers, students and guardians), awareness-raising initiatives, training and implementation of educational projects using Open Source solutions, promoting their use in different contexts.
This is a project that reinforces the offer of training in Open Source, an axis that ESOP recognizes as central to the dynamization of Open Source technologies. In this case, according to Fernanda Ledesma, Chairman of the Board, ANPRI has more than 100 training classes per year, supported by Open Source platforms.
The Training Center of the National Association of Informatics Teachers (CF-ANPRI) is a training entity accredited by the Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Teachers Continuing Training. CF-ANPRI is also a training entity validated by the Regional Directorate of Education of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and the Azores. Its activity focuses on specific training aimed at computer science teachers, to prepare students in professional courses for internships in a work context and for their active life.
Fernanda Ledesma stated that “It is a great pride for us, not least because we were side by side with two institutions with great prestige at the national level. ANPRI is an institution that has been guided by plurality, making our options according to the situation. The training center is based on the open source Moodle platform. As IT teachers, we think that this should be the way, preparing students for when they go to companies to be able to make their choices and choose the best solutions”.
The President of ESOP, Gerardo Lisboa, thanked ANPRI for its action to promote and dynamize Open Source technologies, and highlighted the importance of training in empowering the Portuguese economy and in strengthening the community of Open Source users and developers.
The presentation of the 2021 Prémio Abertura Award took place at Open Source Lisbon, on June 18th. In addition to ANPRI, the SNIAC / INCM partnership also received an Honorable Mention. The winner of the Award was Águas do Norte, S.A.