
6 June a 10 June

RightsCon 2022

From Monday, June 6 to Friday, June 10, 2022, RightsCon will take place entirely online, spanning multiple time zones, featuring a program of 350+ sessions with both live and asynchronous content. We invite you to join us from wherever you are located.

RightsCon offers a platform for thousands of participants from around the world to convene, connect, and coordinate. Join our global community of business leaders, activists, technologists, policymakers, journalists, philanthropists, researchers, and artists to move forward your work and contribute to a shared agenda for our digital future

Mais informações aqui

2 June a 4 June

WordCamp Europe 2022

Join the European WordPress Community to have three days of learning, sharing and fun on the 10th edition of WordCamp Europe. Informações em https://europe.wordcamp.org/2022/

2 June

Beam Day 2022

Reasons why you should attend this virtual event LIVE:  

  • Selected questions will be answered by our speakers in real time! The Live Q&A Forum will be open during the event from 9:00 am to 10:30 am PST.
  • Join in on the after party fun, where you can participate in an exciting quiz, and hear from our speakers and emcees immediately following the event!

We look forward to seeing you all at Beam Day 2022 on Google Open Source Live!


1 June a 2 June


The “MORE-IP” will take place from June 1 to 2 in Amsterdam. Besides educational presentations and panel discussions, MORE-IP offers plenty of networking time. It brings together the professionals and decision-makers of the IP interconnection industry. By attending MORE-IP participants have the opportunity to further grow their business. Participants can connect to new parties, strengthen existing business relationships, share knowledge and learn about new developments and demands. The event will be held in English.


1 June

Conferência “Economia e a Prática da Contratação Pública”

A Conferência “Economia e a Prática da Contratação Pública” tem como objetivos evocar regras fundamentais a observar pelos executantes e entidades adjudicantes no seu quotidiano da contratação pública, e a reflexão sobre os riscos e alertas associados a esta temática, em face da sua elevada complexidade .

Iniciativa da Secretaria-Geral da Economia, decorre no dia 1 de junho, no Auditório da Polícia Judiciária, e conta com um painel de oradores conceituados, para uma manhã de partilha de informação, conhecimento e experiências.


1 June a 30 June

GitHub Maintainer Month

Open Source runs the world. But who runs open source? Who is there, day by day, to keeping it all running? Open Source project maintainers make the software we use possible. But project maintenance is intense work - and it doesn’t happen in a vacuum.

Maintainer Month is a reminder for the ecosystem to support, celebrate, and compensate open source maintainers.

Maintainer Month is an opportunity for maintainers to gather and share knowledge and experiences. It’s a time to see how other projects are tackling similar problems. And it’s a time to reflect collectively that the challenges faced aren’t all technical, and the burden on maintainers can come with a lack of boundaries, vacations, or emotional support. Whether you’re celebrating contributions to open source, or reflecting on the particular pains of this line of labor, this is a month to come together.


1 June a 2 June

ONTOCHAIN Summit for Trustworthy Internet

The first ONTOCHAIN Summit will be held in Berlin, on the 1st and 2nd of June 2022. This will be a 2-day event to discuss how to build a trustworthy internet and also to present key ONTOCHAIN software services and demonstrations:

  • Learn how ONTOCHAIN contributes to the Next Generation Internet and how you can participate in its development.
  • Apply for grants up to €150k (equity-free), coaching, access to cutting-edge infrastructure and visibility.
  • Pitch your project/idea that could contribute to the ONTOCHAIN software ecosystem.
  • Meet 100+ internet innovators and industry-defining leaders.

Registrations are free and limited to the number of seats available.


31 May

iNOWvation – O futuro começa AGORA

A SANJOTEC irá dinamizar, no próximo dia 31 de maio, pelas 14h, o iNOWvation - Seminário de Encerramento do projeto i.4.0 Lead the Digital Transformation, iniciativa que irá reunir um painel de oradores de excelência para abordar alguns temas e casos práticos relacionados com a transição tecnológica e digital, assim como, fomentar momentos de networking entre os participantes.

O evento contará ainda com uma zona expositiva, em que estarão em destaque algumas empresas e entidades ligadas ao ecossistema Sanjotec e onde decorrerá a apresentação de produtos e demonstrações tecnológicas.

As inscrições são gratuitas, mas aconselhamos a que os interessados procedam ao registo atempadamente, uma vez que a lotação é limitada.

Inscrições Aqui

31 May

[0x00201A] - The Virtual Meet

It's heating up, and we feel like leaving the four walls behind and sinking our feet into soft white sand. While we count down for that dolce far niente, we might as well roll up our sleeves and get as much out of the way. We want to keep pushing the envelope and help you forge ahead, and what better way than to gather at our 5th Meetup of the year.

This time, we'll bring a famous and brilliant community member to the stage; shout out to José Moreira (@zezadas). Together we'll be digging into hacking computer peripherals' weird and peculiar world. If you want to get hands-on reversing protocols, windows applications, USB protocols and message types, and some tools of the trade like WinDbg or Ghidra, you will not want to miss this ride.

In the meantime, you can join our Slack chat (*) to discuss all kinds of hackish stuff and, of course, interact with other members.

31 May a 2 June

Jornadas de Computação Científica 2022

As Jornadas da Unidade FCCN são o ponto de encontro anual das diversas comunidades de gestores e de utilizadores das plataformas avançadas de computação, de comunicação e de outros serviços digitais disponibilizadas pela Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, através da sua Unidade FCCN.

O evento destina-se aos responsáveis pelos serviços de informática, biblioteca, documentação e/ou arquivo das IES, a decisores e dirigentes institucionais com estes pelouros e a responsáveis pela execução de ciência e por unidades de investigação.

Ao longo de três dias apresentamos e abrimos o diálogo sobre temáticas relacionadas com as áreas de atuação da Unidade FCCN da FCT: Conectividade, Computação, Colaboração, Conhecimento e Segurança. A edição de 2022 decorre no Instituto Politécnico de Viseu de 31 de maio a 2 de junho de 2022.
