
12 May

Delta Lake Office Hours

Join us on May 12, 2022 at 9 AM PST/12 PM EST for the Delta Lake Community Office Hours! Ask your Delta Lake questions live and join Claudius Li, Brian Olsen, and Tom Nats of Starburst alongside Denny Lee and Vini Jaiswal from Databricks!

Ask us your #DeltaLake questions.  These sessions allow our community to ask questions about Delta Lake OSS and get to learn what we are building, planning to build and know about recently released features. These sessions are live and the recordings are available on the Delta Lake YouTube channel.


12 May

ACT! ON "Emergência Social"

A APDSI – Associação para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação, através do seu Grupo de Missão “CivicTech”, realiza um novo ACT! ON, no dia 12 de maio (quinta-feira), às 18:00 horas sobre “Emergência Social”, na plataforma Zoom.


11 May

Beyond Design Thinking: Ukraine's Design Community

World Usability Day Speaker Series kicks of the 2022 season with an engaging presentation by Maksym Tchachuk, a Ukrainian designers and manager, who explores design growth in Ukraine.

11 May

Liferay Boot Camp 2022

Liferay Boot Camp is a unique event addressed to Liferay Developers' Community, virtually gathered from all over the world to discover new solutions, share experiences and learn the latest best practices of one of the most broadly used Open Source platforms of the world!

#LRBC2022 will give you the chance to meet the peak experts of the Global Liferay Community and improve your knowledge of the platform with tools that you can instantly apply to your projects.


11 May a 12 May

31ª Digital Business Congress

In these unprecedented times, of enormous transformations and up heaves in society and the economy, and when the country has a truly unique opportunity to implement a profound structural transformation, knowing how to take advantage of community funds, namely the Recovery and Resilience Plan and Portugal 2030, the goal of the Congress is to discuss all the essential themes for a sustainable future of the country. With special emphasis on the impact of technological developments, namely 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Immersive Technologies, or national technology-based entrepreneurship.


11 May a 12 May

Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt

Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt returns on 11-12 May 2022, bringing together cloud innovators, technologists, and business leaders, to help them shape their future and deliver successful digital transformation.

Join us at Cloud Expo Europe Frankfurt and meet 300 industry leading suppliers showcasing the latest technologies within the cloud industry. Surround yourself with 10,000 like-minded professionals across the technology industry and find many valuable networking opportunities. Enjoy an unrivalled two-day conference programme of thought-provoking panel discussions, inspirational keynotes and practical insight sessions from 300 speakers, covering: Digital Transformation, Cloud-Migration, Multi-Cloud Strategies, Threat Detection & Response, Cloud-native, Open Source & DevOps.


10 May

Zimbra Email Security Webinar Series: MTA-STS, TLS-RPT, and BIMI

Join us for the upcoming third episode of the Zimbra email security webinar series, where you will learn how the MTA-STS and TLS-RPT, standards offer solutions to these problems. The BIMI standard will be discussed too, enabling your organization's logo to be displayed next to an email in a recipient's inbox, leading to improved brand trust and a means for recipients to visually recognize a sender

Registo aqui

10 May

Securing Apps Starts with Securing Kubernetes

When an application enters production as a container, it arrives as a changeless artifact. The first few moments of its existence are spent communicating and learning through the platform API, DNS services, settings, and volumes. The question is, at what stage was the application most vulnerable and when was it compromised?

In this session you will learn more about emerging attack vectors targeted at applications deployed inside Kubernetes platforms, and how you can protect both the application and Kubernetes from being compromised.

Informações aqui

10 May

Shaping Europe’s digital future: Big data test infrastructure webinar

The Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI), provided by the European Commission as part of the Digital Europe programme, supports EU local, regional and national public administrations with the necessary technical documentation, open-source tools and services to test and prototype analytics solutions.

BDTI allows public administrations to focus on gathering knowledge, insight and value from their public sector information, instead of setting up and maintaining a complex experimental environment. If you are a public sector entity or agency, discover how BDTI can help you find new ways to draw data-driven insights for strategic decision making.

During the webinar you will have the opportunity to learn about the services offered by BDTI, the benefits you can get from it and the steps needed to apply for a pilot project. In addition, our BDTI technical team will show you all the open-source components provided by BDTI and will provide you with a hands-on use case on the European Green Deal, showing how BDTI can contribute in improving the well-being and health of citizens and future generations by making the continent "Climate-neutral".


10 May a 12 May

IOTSWC: FIWARE present even twice

The Smart World by FIWARE has been selected as one of the 10 testbeds during the IOTSWC in Barcelona (10 - 12 May) by their international jury! FIWARE is proud to present the next generation of our demonstrator together with the latest innovations in the IOT sector. The Testbed will be in close viewing distance to the 90 m² FIWARE community booth so that we can increase the attention of the visitors on both sides and create great storytelling. FIWARE offers to all SMART WORLD co-presenters  a Sponsoring Package to be extraordinarily featured in the testbed area. The sponsorship deal includes your pitch in the testbed video, your logo in extra-size in the testbed booth and the respective module, pre-arranged press appointments, one conference ticket and one exhibition ticket.

Para mais informações contactar: max.kleinsorg@fiware.org