
19 May

Is Web3 the Future of the Web?

Please join the Web Foundation on May 19 at 3 PM UTC for an online discussion on Web3 technologies. A panel of web experts will discuss opportunities and challenges presented by Web3 technologies like blockchain, cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and DAOs and the role of advocacy organizations like the Web Foundation in shaping the future of the web.


19 May

Workshop: XIX Reunião da RNAA | O que é a Administração Aberta?

Formato: Workshop Presencial

Através de um exercício colaborativo definir os princípios da administração aberta;
Explorar a forma como estes conceitos podem ser monitorizados para a medição do grau de administração aberta das instituições públicas e organizações da sociedade civil

Público-Alvo: Membros da RNAA + Rede de inovadores + Sociedade Civil

*Para obter mais informações sobre este evento, envie email para: ogp@ama.pt


19 May

Mobility Data Spaces Event

The European Mobility domain is very rich but highly fragmented. Gaia-X has set the goal of making mobility data more available to improve the capacity to circulate better for each individual citizen on the European territory and to support the development of new businesses thanks to better access to data. Privacy of personal data is to be ensured, such that citizens stay in control entirely. The Gaia-X framework enables mobility data spaces that are sovereign and federated and that can be deployed with trust and at scale. These data spaces integrate existing data initiatives in a federated structure and invite new initiatives to join the federation, to enhance the mobility experience for travellers (short and long distance) and, reduce costs, for example, linked to traffic disruption.

Join us on 19 May 2022 at 10:00 CET to enable and shape the future of mobility thanks to data spaces. How can dataspaces contribute to the development of mobility activities in Europe and better service for travellers?

Mais informações aqui

19 May

9th International Data Science Summit

The summit will provide unique insights into creating a data-driven culture inorganizations, and the benefits of using data and analytics to drive the decision making process.

Connect with some of the most innovative people and ideas in the world of data science & AI, while learning first-hand from core practitioners and contributors, Data Science Summit will welcome renowned speakers from the space to share innovative ideas on how to correctly and efficiently extract the knowledge & insights from data.

Visit our website for details

19 May

Two Faces to the Same Linux: GUI Environments

Join us at 11am ET for this webinar.

In the past we looked at Linux servers and how to investigate them. This time, we flipped the coin, and it’s Linux again, but this time it’s Linux desktops. There are other GUI environments available for the Linux operating system, but the most prevalent two are GNOME and KDE. This talk will demonstrate how to investigate user activity in each of these GUI environments, as well as what artifacts are accessible and where to find them. Eventually, a comparison between the two will be called for.

Mais informações

18 May

Deep dive GXFS Work Package “Portal & Integration”

he “Deep dive Work Package Portal & Integration” will take place virtually on May 18, from 14:00-15:30. Participants will benefit from an in-depth introduction to the Work Package Portal & Integration and the relevant GXFS components currently being developed by external implementation partners. The event is aimed at technology experts (software architects, data scientists, programmers, etc.) from the German Gaia-X projects. The event will be held in German. If you would like to receive more information, please contact gaia-x-hub@acatech.de


18 May

Monitoring and Supervision of Robotic Systems using FIWARE and ROS 2

The aim of this webinar is to present the state-of-the-art usage of FIWARE technology in combination with ROS 2 to monitor and supervise robotic systems in different environments. The webinar will take place on 27 April 10 to 11 CEST. Free registration required.

Registos aqui

18 May

2º Workshop | Administração Aberta - Um desafio para o Estado e para a Sociedade

Formato: Workshop virtual via Zoom com 4 grupos de trabalho em simultâneo

Estimular o debate construtivo entre as instituições públicas e representantes da sociedade civil, juntando um grupo de especialistas e interessados no desenvolvimento de uma administração pública cada vez mais aberta, transparente, responsável, inclusiva e centrada no cidadão
Os temas das salas virtuais pretendem abrir o espectro para a execução e cumprimento do II Plano de Ação Nacional:
Sala 1 - Cibersegurança e continuidade de serviços
Sala 2 - Partilha e reutilização de dados
Sala 3 - Investimento (PRR), Transparência e poder do cidadão
Sala 4 – Inclusão e universalidade dos serviços públicos

Público-Alvo (limitado a 100 participantes): Entidades Públicas + Cidadãos + Sociedade Civil + Entidades Privadas;

Agência para a Modernização Administrativa
Américo Ferreira - Presidente da Direção da Plataforma de Associações da Sociedade Civil - Casa da Cidadania (PASC-CC)
Helena Monteiro - Presidente da Direção da Associação para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação (APDSI)
Luís Vidigal - Plataforma de Associações da Sociedade Civil - Casa da Cidadania (PASC-CC)


17 May

Webinar: Mission impossible: Finding work-life balance in small companies

How to cope with stress and find a balance in work and personal life in small companies?
This webinar will take you to the process of critical reflection with case studies, participants engagment, experiential learning activities and team discussion on the work-life-balance topics.


17 May

Debate: A cibersegurança nos dias de hoje

Formato: Debate com transmissão online no Youtube da Agência para a Modernização Administrativa


  • Cibersegurança e o impacto que esta tem para a sociedade, empresas e administração pública;
  • Desafios e preocupações, partilha de boas práticas e comportamentos que mitiguem o risco;
  • Gestão da imagem após um ciberataque;

Público-Alvo: Entidades Públicas + Cidadãos + Sociedade Civil + Entidades Privadas;
