
cartaz evento

On February 14th, ESOP will be in conversation with PASC - Casa da Cidadania in the 7th Debate of the PASC GT “Democracy, Citizenship and Social Inclusion”!

ESOP envia Carta Aberta à Assembleia da República

ESOP associa-se à sociedade civil e envia Carta Aberta à Assembleia da República na defesa da Sociedade Civil e das Indústrias Criativas

Good Governance Initiative v1.1

OSPO Alliance and Good Governance Initiative participants recently released "Good Governance Initiative v1.1"

World of Open Source

Open Source has been gaining prominence on the world stage and this is reflected in policies and initiatives that have emerged all over the world. Discover more here!

ESOP was with AGASOL to share experiences

AGASOL is the Association of Galician Free Software Companies, an association that promotes the same principles as ESOP and with which ESOP throughout its history has exchanged some contacts.

apresentação Prémio Abertura 2019

Prémio Abertura 2022
Open Source: Tecnologia que FAZ e DESCOMPLICA!
Candidaturas abertas


ESOP becomes a partner organisation of EUCLIDIA - the European Cloud Industrial Alliance.

ESOP & Open edX

ESOP was at an Open edX Marketing session and took the opportunity to invite everyone involved to participate in the Portuguese educational market, in order to combat proprietary dominance.


Logos Fundações

ESOP has been accepted as an associate member of the Linux Foundation, Eclipse Foundation and OW2 Association, the most important actors in the World Open Source Ecosystem.

Kohesio Plataform

In March, the European Commission launched an open source platform that allows users to access a database of EU-funded projects – Kohesio. On this platform, EU citizens can search and intuitively understand which projects have been implemented with EU cohesion policy funds.